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Igoche Tips D’Tigress For Podium Finish

007Reporters - 10:12pm

Basketball Promoter, and the founder of the Mark D’ Ball Basketball Championship, Igoche Mark, says the Nigerian women’s basketball team, D’Tigress can make a podium finish at the Paris 2024 Olympics with a little fine-tuning.

Mark said he beamed with pride as he watched Rene Wakama’s team take on France on Thursday. Despite losing 75-54 to the host country loss, he was impressed by the team’s display of courage, tenacity, and dexterity.

“I must commend the D’Tigress for their impressive performance against one of the world’s best women’s basketball teams,” Mark said in a post-game interview.

“Their determination and skill on the court were evident, and I’m proud of the way they represented Nigeria.”
In the game, D’Tigress showed several standout moments with their aggressive defense, which resulted in 13 steals, showcasing their quick hands and alertness on the court as a team.

The ladies also demonstrated their depth with contributions from all the players, particularly in rebounding, where they grabbed 32 boards, including 7 on the offensive end.

As the D’Tigress prepare to face Canada in their next match on Sunday, Mark urged them to take his advice to heart. “With some fine-tuning on defense, I believe this team has the potential to go far in the competition.They’ve already shown they can compete with the best; now it’s time to take it to the next level,” he

Post Category: Sports


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